Fresh Designs

Our newest cross stitch patterns.


Tempest Snake

As the clouds move in with intensity, the sky darkens. Everything becomes cloaked in that otherworldly green hue, that color that signals an impending storm. And out of the approaching clouds emerges a shadow— A serpent, slithering forth from the sea of towering black clouds. A deafening roll of thunder announces her arrival as she beckons storm front forward.

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Steph Matthiesen Avilés

I'm Steph— a Latina, queer, and pagan woman who has fostered a long relationship with different forms of art. I found my passion in creating magical art for cross stitchers. I love playing with colors and creating the unexpected!

When I'm not designing intentionally intriguing patterns, I enjoy being a dog mom and indulging in the humor of the internet. I'm currently based in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

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